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Friends for Jayvon

Thank you for your support of my campaign and vision for "Our students today, my son's tomorrow". Strong School Board representation is critical to building a progressive educational system for all students and communities. Your generous support will help me carry this message with Guilford County voters in GCS District 7, as we move towards victory in November 2020. To give by check, make payable to Friends for Jayvon and mail to 131 Sommerwall Place, Greensboro, N.C. 27405.

North Carolina Contribution Terms

Maximum contribution for individuals and PACs is $5,400 per candidate per election. Corporations and labor organizations are prohibited from donating. State law requires that we collect and report name, address, occupation, and employer of each contributor. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited by law. Donations are not deductible as charitable donations for federal or state income tax purposes.

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Friends for Jayvon

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Friends for Jayvon

Thank you for your support of my campaign and vision for "Our students today, my son's tomorrow". Strong School Board representation is critical to building a progressive educational system for all students and communities. Your generous support will help me carry this message with Guilford County voters in GCS District 7, as we move towards victory in November 2020. To give by check, make payable to Friends for Jayvon and mail to 131 Sommerwall Place, Greensboro, N.C. 27405.

North Carolina Contribution Terms

Maximum contribution for individuals and PACs is $5,400 per candidate per election. Corporations and labor organizations are prohibited from donating. State law requires that we collect and report name, address, occupation, and employer of each contributor. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited by law. Donations are not deductible as charitable donations for federal or state income tax purposes.

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